Station list file

BveTs Station List 2.00:encoding
stationKey1, stationName1, arrivalTime1, depertureTime1, stoppageTime1, defaultTime1, signalFlag1, alightingTime1, passengers1, arrivalSoundKey1, depertureSoundKey1, doorReopen1, stuckInDoor1
stationKey2, stationName2, arrivalTime2, depertureTime2, stoppageTime2, defaultTime2, signalFlag2, alightingTime2, passengers2, arrivalSoundKey2, depertureSoundKey2, doorReopen2, stuckInDoor2

..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ...

File header

File format

The file format must be described always at the beginning of the file.

Character encoding

The character encoding of the file may be described after the file format. If the character encoding is omitted, UTF-8 is used.

For example, the file header of ISO 8859-1 is shown below:

BveTs Station List 2.00:ISO_8859-1


Text from a sharp ( # ) until the end of the line is a comment, and is ignored.

Station list

Column Parameter name Description
1 stationKey Any string (Used in map file)
2 stationName The station name that displayed in the time table
3 arrivalTime Arrival time (HH:mm:ss) (p: pass)
4 depertureTime Deperture time or passage time (HH:mm:ss) (t: terminal)
5 stoppageTime Standard stoppage time [sec]
6 defaultTime The time after the jump to the station (HH:mm:ss)
7 signalFlag Signal behavior (0: Do nothing | 1: Stop signal until the departure sound plays)
8 alightingTime Time required for passengers to drop off [sec]
9 passengers The ratio of passengers to capacity
10 arrivalSoundKey The sound that is played when the doors open (Sound key that defined in sound list file)
11 depertureSoundKey The sound that is played before stoppageTime from depertureTime (Sound key that defined in sound list file)
12 doorReopen The probability of reopen of the door
13 stuckInDoor Maximum time that passenger caught in door [sec]

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