Structure list file

BveTs Structure List 2.00:encoding
structureKey1, filePath1
structureKey2, filePath2
..., ...

File header

File format

The file format must be described always at the beginning of the file.

Character encoding

The character encoding of the file may be described after the file format. If the character encoding is omitted, UTF-8 is used.

For example, the file header of ISO 8859-1 is shown below:

BveTs Structure List 2.00:ISO_8859-1


Text from a sharp ( # ) until the end of the line is a comment, and is ignored.

Structure list

Column Parameter name Description
1 structureKey Any string. Structure keys are used in map file, signal aspect list file, and train file.
2 filePath The relative path to a structure file (.x).


BveTs Structure List 2.00:UTF-8
background,background.x # Clear Sky

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