Train file

key1 = value1
key2 = value2
key3 = value3

File header

File format

The file format must be described always at the beginning of the file. The string indicating the current train file format is

BveTs Train 1.01

Character encoding

The character encoding of the file may be described after the file format. If the character encoding is omitted, UTF-8 is used.

For example, the file header of ISO 8859-1 is shown below:

BveTs Train 1.01:ISO_8859-1


Text from a sharp ( # ) or a semicolon ( ; ) until the end of the line is a comment, and is ignored.

Sections and keys

Setting items are grouped into sections, similar to the INI file.


Section name Description
Structure Define the placement of a structure
Sound3d Define the placement of a sound source

Structure section

This section defines the placement of a structure.

Key name Description
Key Structure key which defined in structure list file
Distance Distance from the origin of the train to the rear intersection point with the track
Span Distance between the front and the rear intersection point with the track
Z Z-coordinate of the origin of the structure from the rear intersection point with the track



Sound3d section

This section defines the placement of a sound source.

Key name Description
Key Sound key which defined in sound list file
Distance1 Distance from the origin of the train to the rear of the sound source area
Distance2 Distance from the origin of the train to the front of the sound source area
Function Noise type (Stationary: Stationary noise | Rolling: Wheel rolling noise | Acceleration: Acceleration noise | Deceleration: Deceleration noise)

Function = Acceleration および Function = Deceleration の音源は、1 つの他列車に 1 つずつしか設定できません。Function = Stationary および Function = Rolling の音源は複数設定できます。
転動音の音量および周波数は、他列車の走行速度に比例 (0 ~ 90 km/h の間で0 ~ 1 倍に変化) します。

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