BVE Trainsim > Create scenario > File formats

Scenario file

BveTs Scenario 2.00:encoding
Title = text
Route = filePath
RouteTitle = text
Vehicle = filePath
VehicleTitle = text
Author = text
Image = filePath
Comment = text

File header

File format

The file format must be described always at the beginning of the file.

Character encoding

The character encoding of the file may be described after the file format. If the character encoding is omitted, UTF-8 is used.

For example, the file header of ISO 8859-1 is shown below:

BveTs Scenario 2.00:ISO_8859-1


Text from a sharp ( # ) or semicolon ( ; ) until the end of the line is a comment, and is ignored.

File references

Reference to map file

Route = filePath
Route = filePath1 * weight1 | filePath2 * weight2 | ...

This property defines the relative path to a map file. If multiple files are defined, one file will be selected from there at random at the start of the scenario. A weighting factor may be written after a file path. As the weighting factor is large, the probability that the file is selected will be higher. The default weighting factor is 1.

Route = mackoy.Keisei\Map-Dry.txt * 2.5 | mackoy.Keisei\Map-Wet.txt

Reference to vehicle file

Vehicle = filePath
Vehicle = filePath1 * weight1 | filePath2 * weight2 | ...

This property defines the relative path to a vehicle file. The syntax is the same as the Route key.

Scenario descriptions

Scenario title

Title = text

This property defines the title displayed in the [Select scenario] dialog.

Thumbnail image

Image = filePath

This property defines the thumbnail image displayed in the [Select scenario] dialog. The relative path from this file to the thumbnail image file is described.

Route name

RouteTitle = text

This property defines the route name displayed in the [Select scenario] dialog.

Vehicle name

VehicleTitle = text

This property defines the vehicle name displayed in the [Select scenario] dialog.

Scenario authors

Author = text

This property defines the authors displayed in the [Select scenario] dialog.

Scenario summary

Comment = text

This property defines the summary displayed in the [Select scenario] dialog.

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